My, how we grow!
Sunday I turn 30.
I entered my 20's on a three day party and working hungover with not a care in the world. I will finish the last four days of my 20's and the first day of my 30's on fertility drugs. We meet again Clomid, another five days of hot flashes, cranky moments and uncontrolable emotions. Can't wait!! *boo*
Each Clomid cycle I am learning better ways to manage the craziness inside me and this cycle I am going to concentrate on relaxation and making my mind quiet. Luckly for me and just in time the new hot yoga studio as opened. I am hoping to attend classes more than once a day depending how things go.
Keep an eye out too, since there isn't much to write on the baby front right now I am considering writing about my running in another blog.
If you can't find me I will be sweating it out at yoga for the next five days.